Boeing R&D centre opening at The University Of Queensland

July 21st, 2017

There are exciting times ahead for the The University of Queensland, as Boeing research and technology Australia has relocated its team into a new research and development centre within the University St Lucia campus. This is the first time in the Asia-Pacific region that Boeing has co-located research within a university.aircraft-464296_960_720

Boeing has been in partnership with UQ for more than 13 years and gained a strong appreciation of the quality of UQ staff, students and graduation, therefore the move seemed as a great opportunity to further develop this partnership.

It is anticipated that the collaboration will be of great benefit to both parties, as the opening of this R&D centre on campus brings together Boeing and UQ researchers who will collaborate on the next great advances in aerospace. The team at Boeing are excited to see their relationship with The University of Queensland take this significant step forward.

It is expected that approximately 30 Boeing research and technical staff will move to the specially-designed facility. The R&D facility features a high-tech student interaction display area that is complete with augmented- reality technology, computer labs and collaborative spaces.

The Boeing staff will work together with UQ researchers and students in fields including engineering, human movements, neuroscience, chemistry, physics and psychology. This will demonstrate the realities of aerospace research and provide UQ staff and students with firsthand experiences.

Some projects which will be worked on consist of unmanned air crafts and autonomous systems, aircraft simulator technologies, manufacturing technologies and cabin disease transmission.

Boeing’s move to UQ dramatically boosts opportunities for creative researchers and talented students to engage with a global innovator and to explore opportunities to collaborate and work in the industry.

This collaboration is a great fit with the Australian Government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda and The Queensland Government’s Advance Queensland program. As a result, the innovations and expertise that will be generated at the new R&D facility will yield important benefits for society in the years to come.

If your company is incorporating R&D into its business activities, it may be eligible for the R&D Tax Incentive. To find out more and to determine your eligibility, contact a Swanson Reed R&D tax advisor today.

