Could robots soon replace humans?

February 14th, 2018

The times for people needing human companionship may soon be over as the research and development team at Fuji Xerox are determined to build companions for humans in the form of a robots.

This will be one of the longest studies ever of day to day human interaction with a social robot in order to gain full understanding of a person’s emotional requirements. Dr Roshan Thapliya believes the component in building a robot that can satisfy human emotional expectations lies in the ability to detect subtle emotional cues rather than purely physical ones.

The University of New South Whale is now working on the design and psychological programming of the robot with technical capabilities such as its robo-navigation and artificial intelligence developed by the university’s School of Computer Science.

The bot prototype is expected to be ready within a year and will be place with a group of 15 Fuji Xerox employees at the company’s research and development office in Yokohama, Japan, as part of a three year project.

With research plans fully in swing, it may not be all that long until ‘heartful robots’ become available to the public, providing a totally new form of companionship.

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