Eligibility Wizard




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Welcome to our step-by-step wizard to help you check your eligibility for the new R&D Tax Incentive.

The new R&D Tax Incentive laws apply to R&D activities from 1 July 2011. You could be eligible for either a:

  • 45% Refundable (Cash) R&D Tax Offset - for companies with an aggregated group turnover less than $20 million; or
  • 40% Non-Refundable R&D Tax Offset - for companies with an aggregated group turnover more than $20 million.

If you are eligible you will have until 30 April to apply for your R&D Tax Offset.

Note: This Wizard is intended as a quick guide and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. Please contact Swanson Reed for professional advice tailored to your requirements.


