A feature article authored by Swanson Reed is included in June 2024 volume of the Taxation in Australia.
Swanson Reed’s article covers the recent R&D tax incentive taxpayer alerts released in December 2023 (TA 2023/4 and TA 2023/5).
These alerts primarily relate to whether entities registering R&D activities and claiming R&D tax offsets can be shown to be the entity for whom the registered R&D activities are conducted, as required by law.
TA 2023/4 and TA 2023/5 indicate that the ATO will be more frequently scrutinising the legal substance and form of issues around control, financial risk and ownership of the results arising from R&D activities. The alerts will require R&D Entities and Advisors to look beyond whether, merely on face value, R&D activities are being conducted, or whether R&D expenditure is being incurred within a group of entities.
Instead, the specific registering R&D entity (and not just the broader group) must be assessed to ensure that it is the entity that is legally entitled as the R&D Claimant. This requires careful consideration of the legal and commercial relationships between entities within multi-entity and multi-jurisdiction groups.
Taxation in Australia is continually ranked as Australia’s leading tax journal and is published 11 times per year, available exclusively to members of The Tax Institute.
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