AusIndustry have recently published a case study to provide practical examples for eligibility of activities involving machine learning. It’s probable that this guidance has been in response to a rising number of claims involving AI and ML type activities. The examples in the case studies will assist R&D entities identify when they might have eligible R&D activities, and what information is relevant for assessing and showing eligibility. In an earlier Swanson Reed blog post in recent weeks (titled: Assessment of AI related activities […]
Introduction In the case of DZXP, KRQD and QJJS v Innovation and Science Australia [2017] AATA 576, Innovation Australia’s decision to evaluate the application of DZXP, KRQD and QJJS R&D as unsuccessful was contested by the respective companies and subsequently taken to Tribunal. Innovation Australia’s position, with respect to this, was that by virtue of the operation of s 31 of the Industry Research and Development Act 1986 (IR&D Act), the outcome of any review by the Tribunal will be […]