AusIndustry have recently published a case study to provide practical examples for eligibility of activities involving machine learning. It’s probable that this guidance has been in response to a rising number of claims involving AI and ML type activities. The examples in the case studies will assist R&D entities identify when they might have eligible R&D activities, and what information is relevant for assessing and showing eligibility. In an earlier Swanson Reed blog post in recent weeks (titled: Assessment of AI related activities […]
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in recent years with more companies seeking to utilise the technology in order to capitalise on gains in capability and efficiency. Increasing numbers of companies are investing in AI developments and anecdotally, this probably means an increasing number of companies submitting claims for AI related developments under the R&D Tax Incentive. However, whilst AI is a relatively new and developing field, companies need to be careful not to assume that projects involving […]
Over recent months, a number of companies have reported to the ASX receipt of substantial Refundable R&D Tax Offsets. Notable receipts include: Recce Pharmaceuticals (ASX: RCE) received $2.6 M related to its anti-infective platform; Latrobe Magnesium (ASX: LMG) received $12.5 M related to Magnesium extraction technology; Group 6 Metals (ASX:G6M) received $14.3 M related to processes for producing higher value tungsten products Orthocell Limited (ASX: SNT) received $3.05 M related to its mobility regeneration technology; Botanix (ASX: BOT) received $3 […]
An article in The Australian by long time Labor Industry Spokesman Kim Carr this week has been critical of the Australian Government’s R&D Tax Policy, and has linked this to decline in Australian manufacturing and supply chain weakness. Highlights form Carr’s article include the following: The government reintroduced the R&D Tax reform bill in December 2019, despite: A senate economics inquiry concluding that a previous iteration of the bill should be withdrawn due to concerns over complexity, particularly the controversial […]