Over recent weeks AusIndustry launched their new, online R&D Tax Incentive customer portal which replaces the old PDF Smartform Lodgement system. AusIndustry are mandating that all FY21 R&D Applications are lodged via this new online system, which commences accepting lodgements from Monday 5 July, 2021. There are significant changes from the old system (both in the lodgement process and reporting declarations) and companies who are looking to lodge their FY21 applications soon after the end of the financial year should […]
AusIndustry have recently circulated a draft of new guidance on the eligilbity of software development activity under the R&D tax incentive. The guidance does not appear to materially differ from the principles of eligibility in other guidance documents published in recent years. Whilst the eligibility of software R&D activity was certainly scrutinised, particularly during the period from 2017 to 2019, a misconception occurred by some perceiving that software activities are not eligible under the R&D tax incentive. This is certainly not […]
The changes to the R&D tax incentive announced in the October 2020 budget have been passed as law, but do not become effective until 1 July 2021 (FY22). Companies registering activity for the financial year about to end (FY21) will do so under the same legislation in place as in prior years. However, some significant changes to the reporting of the activities have occurred for FY21, based on AusIndustry’s new reporting portal. The portal had been indicated some months ago […]
Companies seeking to register R&D Activities conducted during the Year Ended 30 June 2020 (ie FY20 – last financial year) who are yet to do so should note that the Registration Deadline is 30 April 2021. Last year, AusIndustry applied a blanket extension to all companies’ FY19 R&D Applications due to COVID. We are of the understanding that this blanket extension will NOT be available for FY20 applications, and the 30 April 2021 statutory deadline (10 months after the end of the financial […]