In response to the recommendations in the ‘2016 Review of the R&D Tax incentive’ the government has announced proposed R&D Tax Incentive changes within the 2018-19 Federal Budget released yesterday, 8 May 2018. The changes take on board some recommendations from ISA’s previous review of the programme, along with some of the government’s own savings and integrity measures. The R&D Tax Offset rate will change, commencing for years on or after 1 July 2018. For companies claiming the refundable offset with […]
Business operators and advisors are being warned that the Australian Tax Office (ATO) are reviewing tax incentive claims made for ordinary business activities. The following review is intended to target the misuse of R&D claims, and anyone deliberately exploiting the tax breaks will be pursued in court. Misuse of R&D tax incentives consist of: A company registers one or more activities for the R&D Tax Incentive. Some or all of the activities registered are broadly described and non-specific. […]
The arrangements of certain building and construction industry participants that are claiming the R&D Tax Incentive are being reviewed by the ATO and AusIndustry.The arrangements under review concern R&D claimants who are involved in either: Acquiring buildings or extensions Alterations or improvements Constructing, extending, altering or improving buildings. The review applies for instances where some or all of the expenditure: Is incurred on building and construction activities, which are expressly excluded from being taken into account in calculating an R&D […]
AusIndustry have recently released new guidance material to help companies and tax advisors correctly identify and register for the R&D Tax Incentive in the fields of software development, agriculture, building, construction, and mining. This guidance material includes specific examples and information on AusIndustry’s expectations for participants registering activities under the R&D Tax Incentive in these fields. The four new Specific Issues Guidance documents are: Getting software development R&D Tax Incentive claims right Getting building and construction R&D Tax Incentive claims right Getting mining R&D Tax Incentive claims right Getting farming R&D […]