Swanson reed is providing an update on the R&D Tax Incentive at an event on Thursday, July 25th, 2024 in Brisbane presented by MSIA (Medical Software Industry Association). The 2024 MSIA Brisbane event is being held in conjunction with the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) to provide a full day of updates and insights in Digital Health. Swanson Reed’s update will provide an update on R&D Tax including insight into current policy discussions leading into the upcoming review of Australia’s […]
A new AAT case dated 16 February 2024 (GQHC and Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2024] AATA 409), considered a situation where the ATO determined a company had not engaged in eligible R&D activities, but where no findings had been made by AusIndustry, who usually has jurisdiction over activity assessment. The matter considered jurisdiction issues of: whether the Commissioner has the power to assess or make decisions as to whether a company’s registered activities consist of eligible “R&D activities” as defined […]
Australia’s R&D Tax Incentive program is designed to encourage innovation by providing tax refunds to eligible companies based on their R&D spending. However, companies face a refund cliff if their revenue exceeds the legislated turnover threshold. A company’s rate of R&D tax offset and whether it is refundable or not depends primarily on the R&D entity’s aggregated turnover: If an entity’s aggregated turnover is less than $20 million and it is not controlled by any exempt entities, then the company […]
The content of this video has been based on guidance publications released by AusIndustry and the ATO. Additional guidance material on the R&D Tax Incentive is often progressively published by the programme regulators on their respective websites: ATO AusIndustry