Australian biotech company CSL is calling for a lower advanced manufacturing tax rate. Last year the company decided to build a $500 million plant in Switzerland over Australia due to factors such as proximity to market, availability of staff, market experience and, specifically, a lower corporate tax rate within the country. CSL’s chief financial officer, Gordon Naylor, acknowledges tax is not the only deterrent to doing more in Australia, he says it’s a central element. That’s why CSL is pushing […]
A recent manufacturing showcase in Dandenong, Melbourne, hosted by the Industry Capability Network and the Victorian Department of State Development, Business and Innovation brought together more than 550 representatives from various manufacturing sectors to discuss future changes and opportunities in the manufacturing industry. The event provided a valuable forum that focused on how manufacturing businesses are evolving through innovation in areas such as product design, R&D, information and communications technology and leadership. There was a strong focus on the importance […]
Western Australia’s manufacturing sector could be shaken up as the state’s peak business lobby looks into boosting the international competitiveness through significant reforms. Some of the proposed changes include slashing the company tax rate to 25%, increasing R&D incentives and privatising electricity assets. Further, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Western Australia (CCIWA) is releasing a key report on Thursday, titled The Future of Manufacturing, following the decade of significant expansion in WA that benefitted manufacturers. The report entails […]
After a tough trot, Australian manufacturers can breathe a sigh of relief after the Australian Government revealed applications are now open for the Manufacturing Transition Program. The program will provide manufacturers with a $50 million boost to become more competitive and sustainable. Available to any manufacturer spending over $4 million on capital expenditure / expansion activities, the program focuses on businesses looking to transition or expand their operations to higher value-added or more knowledge intensive manufacturing. A great help to […]