A recent AAT decision handed down in November 2022 (Active Sports Management Pty Ltd and Industry Innovation and Science Australia) has allowed a company seeking review of an AusIndustry decision to be reinstated, on the grounds that the review was dismissed in error. The AAT found that while the company did not comply with certain directions from the Tribunal, they had made an effort in obtaining expert evidence and preparing submissions in support of its case. We understand that this […]
A new AAT decision handed down in October 2022 (T.D.S BIZ PTY LTD and Commissioner of Taxation) considered the case of an R&D Entity attempting to claim the cost of overseas moulds, fabrication, CAD and assembly within their R&D Tax Incentive claim without having first attained an Overseas Finding from AusIndustry. This is one of the only administrative decisions to consider the specific issue of: Is R&D expenditure related to the cost of components for conducting R&D activity in Australia; […]
The new Labor Government has handed down their first budget in October 2022. Leading into this budget, there was not anticipated to be any changes proposed to the R&D Tax Incentive, since the previously announced changes for FY22 had only recently been legislated by the previous Coalition government, and were passed with support from the (then) Labor Opposition. Based on a preliminary review of the October 2022 budget material, no material changes seem to have been proposed to […]
The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. It states its role is to help governments make better policies, in the long term interest of the Australian community. In early August 2022, The Productivity Commission published its annual review of trade and assistance which it notes is to keep a record of assistance. Some notable extracts from The Productivity Commission annual review relevant […]