Despite Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull making innovation a hallmark of his time in office, a recent survey reveals that innovation is going ignored by some of the Australia’s largest Chief Financial Officers (CFOs). The survey, titled the 2016 American Express CFO Future-Proofing Survey, examines the views of 250 CFOs from Australian companies with revenues of between $2 million and $300 million. According to the survey, approximately 40% of CFOs report their company hasn’t bought a new product or service to the market […]
Without a doubt, financing is extremely imperative for innovation and development, in particular at the seed and early stages of business development. In spite of the growing importance of entrepreneurial activities, innovative companies face several barriers for accessing finance, such as asymmetric information and financing gaps between investors and entrepreneurs. Indeed, access to finance is a central issue for both innovative entrepreneurs and policy makers alike. Nonetheless, nusinesses that introduce innovation into their operations are more likely to experience business […]
The mining boom, coupled with an extended period of high commodity prices, facilitated a strong level of economic growth in Australia in recent decades. However, as the mining boom diminishes and the country pursues a transition to a knowledge-based economy, we face an uncertain future according to CSIRO’s latest report. The report, titled Australia 2030: Navigating Our Uncertain Future, is essentially an early manifestation of the post-mining boom ‘innovation’ market, which increasingly will be driven by research, emerging science and […]
Undeniably, organisations’ innovation activities tend to have higher risk profiles than other pursuits and require different methods for measuring value. The constant need for innovation, change and renewal are business imperatives that cannot be ignored or avoided by any organisation for any sustained period. In fact, the risks associated with an organisation not making changes to products, internal processes or business models over time are equally significant, leading to extinction and irrelevance if unchecked. However, it is an often overlooked […]