AusIndustry have announced that the R&D Tax Incentive Portal has transitioned to the Australian Government Digital Identity System to verify users. This has presented a change to the login process when accessing the R&D Tax Incentive Portal. From late June 2022, when logging into the R&D Tax Portal, the login button will display ‘Continue with Digital Identity’, replacing the current ‘Login with myGovID’ button. When you select ‘Continue with Digital Identity’ you’ll be given the option to select myGovID as your Digital Identity and asked […]
A recent article on has highlighted that Australia’s R&D Tax Incentive and Digital Games Tax Offset has the NZ video game development industry worried The article highlights that: Australia’s proposed Digital Games Tax Offset (DGTO), an initiative of the former coalition federal government which has not yet passed as law, is a threat to New Zealand’s gaming industry accounting to their Game Developers Association: The proposed incentive offers a 30% refundable tax offset for eligible businesses that spend a minimum of […]
Companies are now able to register R&D activities conducted during the year ended 30 June 2022 (FY22) with AusIndustry. For the FY22 period, the application process is again administered through the new online customer portal which was introduced for the prior FY21 period. There were substantial changes made to the R&D activity technical description requirements in FY21, however the AusIndustry activity disclosure requirements for FY22 appear not to have materially changed. The big changes for FY22 R&D c laims relate […]
As previously reported, Real Energy Ltd was involved in a dispute with R&D Tax Incentive programme regulators over the eligibility of its R&D activities spanning a number of years. Corporate activity between Real Energy and Strata-X has since merged to form Pure Hydrogen Corporation Ltd. Pure Hydrogen Corporation on the 23rd of June provided the following update on the dispute: The matter was taken to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal over 3 years ago and now the parties have consented to […]