Please answer the question

Please answer all the questions first.

​Is your company in tax loss for the current year
(including tax losses carried forward from prior years)?

Yes No

​Is the sum of your current year and carry forward
tax losses greater than your current year R&D Expenditure?

Yes No


Please enter the amount & amount should be correct number.

Group Turnover of Company (including connected or affiliated entities)

Total Company Expenses

Eligible R&D Expenses within Total Company Expenses

Opening Balance of Tax Losses

Prima Facie Taxable Income (Pre R&D/Application of Tax Losses)

Add R&D Expenditure Forfeited as deduction/Claimed as Offset

Less Tax Losses Applied to Current Year Income

Revised Taxable Income

Tax Payable on Above 30%

Credit for R&D Tax Offset

​Net Tax Payable/(Credit for non-refundable R&D Offset carried forward)


to Email this info to your email.

The Australian Tax System is complex and this calculator only yields an estimate of potential benefit. This is intended as a quick guide and must not be used as a calculator for use in the preparation of an R&D tax schedule or calculation of R&D tax beneift. Further, it must not be used as a substitiute for professional advice.

Group Turnover of company is equal to assessable income of company
Total Company expenses are fully taxable
No other deductions or entitlements considered
No other tax liabilities considered