Seminar Invitation: Pitfalls for SMEs in protecting and claiming incentives for new developments

Presented by:

  • Joe Seisdedos (Wrays)Wrays
  • Bill Charlton (UHY Haines Norton)
  • Michael Oon (Swanson Reed)

Join Swanson Reed, UHY Haines Norton and Wrays for a practical workshop that will focus on the problems that every day companies face in protecting, and claiming incentives for their new products.

You will hear from three industry experts on a range of topics, including tax issues, R&D tax incentives and patent protection.

On conclusion of the presentation, participants will have an opportunity to ask the panel any specific questions in a friendly and constructive forum.


Time Presentation Presenter
7:00am – 7:30am: Session 1: Protecting Intellectual Property (IP) Joe Seisdedos
7:30am – 8:00am: Session 2: IP & Relevant Tax Considerations Bill Charlton
8:00am – 8:30am: Session 3: R&D Tax Incentives Michael Oon
8:30am – 9:00am: Session 4: Panel Q&A and Networking Opportunity


Joe Seisdedos Bill Charlton Michael Oon
Joe_seisdedos Bill-Charlton Michael-Oon
 View Joe’s bio  View Bill’s bio  View Michael’s bio

Brisbane R&D Tax Seminar:

View Larger Map

Wednesday, 18th June 2014
7am – 9am
Swanson Reed Boardroom
Level 11, 42-60 Albert St
Brisbane, 4000

Cost: Free!
Register Before:
 Friday 13th June


Full attendance at this workshop will yield 2 CPE hours towards the Tax Practitioners Board’s (TPB) CPE requirements.

Contact Amy Nolan for more information:

Ph: 07 3221 1499
Mob: 0435 713 493

Are you Eligible to claim R&D? Take our R&D Eligibility Survey and find out.

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