The recent submissions to the Economics Legislative Committee were an opportunity for business’ to voice their opinions on recent proposed R&D tax exclusions put forward in the Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2013. Swanson Reed supported the proposed changes in our submission due to potential benefits to SMEs and the Australian economy (Click here to view our blog on our submission). However big businesses have used the opportunity to fight the proposed changes. The Australian reported on the […]
On 5 December 2013 the Senate referred the Tax Laws Amendment (Research and Development) Bill 2013 to the Senate Economics Legislation Committee for inquiry and report. The Economics Legislative Committee inquiries allow interested parties to submit their views on the proposed changes. The deadline for submitting was 22 January 2014. There was an overwhelming response from the parties who submitted in opposition to the amendment. Swanson Reed stood out for its view that the proposed changes could bring about welcome […]