Last week, the ATO released for public comment draft Taxation Determination “Income tax: when will Design Expenditure incurred by an R&D entity be included in the cost of a tangible depreciating asset within paragraph 355-225(1)(b) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (and therefore not able to be deducted under section 355-205)?” Submissions are due by 24 January 2014. The draft Taxation Determination is concerned with situations where an R&D entity incurs expenditure on various stages of design activities, connected with it […]
Federal Court Decision – FCT v Desalination Technology Pty Ltd Click Here Full Federal Court Decision – FCT v Desalination Technology Click Here This article is about the original Administrative Appeals Tribunal decision on matters of fact. Please click here if you would like to access the Federal Court Appeal. In the matter of Desalination Technology Pty Ltd and Commissioner of Taxation [2013] AATA 846 (29 November 2013) (DST), the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) assessed whether the taxpayer was eligible for […]
The newly proposed section 355-103 ITAA1997, providing an exception for large business in claiming the R&D Tax exclusions are referred to senate for further inquiry. The Tax Laws Amendment (Research & Development) Bill 2013 passed the lower house only days ago, but will be fully investigated by the Senate for economic impact. A report of the inquiry findings is expected on 17 March 2014. As of yesterday, the ALP has indicated it may withdraw its support for this measure over […]