Federal Budget 2024

Media Coverage of Business Reaction to Review of Australia’s R&D System

May 22nd, 2024

In the wake of the recent 2024-25 federal budget announcement that the government will conduct of review of Australia’s research and development system, business leaders have been quick to declare that any change must NOT seek to reduce R&D tax incentives. This was highlighted in an article published by The Australian Financial Review last week. The independent expert review, expected to span 18 months, is part of a strategic effort to halt the decline in Australia’s R&D investment, which has reached a two-decade […]

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Federal Budget May 2024 – No changes to R&D Tax Incentive, Strategic examination of Australia’s R&D System Flagged

May 15th, 2024

Leading into the May 2024 budget, no changes were anticipated to be made to the R&D Tax Incentive; however, recent media reports in 2024 floated the idea of the Government conducting a review of the programme for potential future changes. Based on a preliminary review of the 2024 budget material, no material changes seem to have been proposed to the R&D Tax Incentive, which is good news. In the budget papers for the TREASURY PORTFOLIO, the budgeted expenses for the Research & Development Tax Incentive are noted as: 2023-24 Estimated actual: $4,783,200,000; 2024-25 Budget: $4,474,720,000; 2025-26 Forward estimate: $4,609,984,000; 2026-27 Forward […]

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