Investment in research and development by the Australian government has dropped to its lowest level in 30 years according to an analysis of government figures. Accounting for only approximately 2 per cent of government investment, R&D spending has fallen to its lowest GDP share in 25 years. Australia has seen significant growth in research and development expenditure over the years, however despite this increased spending there remains a large gap comparative to expenditure in other international economies. According to the […]
The Australian Financial Review recently featured Swanson Reed and the proposed Patent Grant Program in Tuesday’s release. The article Innovation crisis a matter of urgency, tax advisers say addresses the innovation crisis looming if the Australian Government does not act soon on policy to encourage investment in innovation. Swanson Reed collaborated with Wrays, intellectual property and patent advisers, to propose a patent grant system as an interim measure until the deadlock on introducing the UK-style-patent-box incentives breaks. Treasurer Joe Hockey echoed concerns by […]
Recent research has indicated that 1000 extra patents per year (that otherwise would not have been filed) could add up to $7 Billion extra GDP per year in the Australian economy. It has been proposed that a new type of government endorsed grant program aimed to offset the cost of patent filing, could be Australia’s answer to the recent U.K. Patent Box controversy. Why would a Patent Grant Program be more appropriate than a Patent Box tax incentive? It has been argued that Australia should […]