On 28 June 2023 the ATO has published Draft Tax Determination TD 2023/D2 on aggregated turnover and connected entities – Commissioner’s discretion that an entity does not ‘control’ another entity. Under the R&D Tax Incentive a company’s rate of R&D tax offset and whether it is refundable or not depends primarily on the R&D entity’s aggregated turnover: If an entity’s aggregated turnover is less than $20 million and it is not controlled by any exempt entities, then the company can […]
Former Labor Government senator and industry minister Kim Carr authored an opinion article in the AFR on 18 June 2023 titled “Has Labor written off its promise to supercharge R&D?” Notable points in the article include: The Labor Party’s stated policy aim is to lift R&D expenditure from 1.8 per cent of GDP to 3 per cent by 2030. That is an appropriate ambition. In fact, it has been Labor policy since 2014. But we are going backwards; The challenges […]
Melbourne-based Nufarm Ltd is a pioneer and leader in development of Agricultural technologies and offers a range of crop protection and seed technology solutions. The company’s annual report for the YE 30 September 2022 reports a research and development expenditure of $51M. In recent years Nufarm Ltd (via its subsidiary entity Nuseed), has invested in the development of Aquaterra® as a partial replacement for marine ingredients. While plant-based protein alternatives to fish meal have been available for years, a market […]
Australia and its global peers have experienced a rapid rise in interests rates over the past 12 months to combat high and persistent inflation. In recent months, Australia’s RBA Governor and Treasurer have begun to mention the importance of improving Australia’s productivity as a means of addressing the inflation issues. The Australian and AFR newspapers today have noted that: A 4.6 per cent plunge in labour productivity in the year to March came as figures released by the Australian Bureau […]