December, 2023

New ATO Alerts on R&D Tax: 1: Activities Delivered by Associated Entities AND 2: Activities Conducted Overseas for Foreign Related Entities

December 18th, 2023

On 15 December 2023, the ATO has released two new taxpayer alerts: Taxpayer Alert TA 2023/4 Research and development activities delivered by associated entities. This relates to arrangements identified by the ATO where an entity incorrectly claims the R&D tax offset for expenditure incurred under an agreement with an associated entity who conducts those activities. Taxpayer Alert TA 2023/5 Research and development activities conducted overseas for foreign related entities outlines ATO concerns about arrangements where Australian entities claim the R&D tax offset for […]

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Significant Refundable R&D Offsets Receipts Reported to the ASX in Recent Months

December 13th, 2023

Over recent months, a number of companies have reported to the ASX receipt of substantial Refundable R&D Tax Offsets. Notable receipts include: Syntara Limited (ASX: SNT) reported a $5.25 million Refundable R&D tax offset related to its clinical development pipeline including PXS-5505 in myelofibrosis project; Neurotech International (ASX: NTI) reported a $3.17 million Refundable R&D tax offset related to its development of treatments for paediatric neurological disorders ClearVue Technologies Limited (ASX:CPV) reported a $0.94 million Refundable R&D tax offset related […]

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National Reconstruction Fund Investment Mandate Published and Can Begin Investing

December 5th, 2023

Leading up to the 2022 federal election, the (then) Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese pledged in early 2022 that he would use Labor’s proposed $15 billion National Reconstruction Fund to make technology and local manufacturing investments a top priority.   Labor went on to win the election, and enacted the fund.   The objective of the NRF is to provide a financing vehicle to drive investment in projects seeking to build prosperity across the country, providing loans, guarantees and equity to support specific projects. […]

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