If you are an entrepreneur, inventor or business owner trying to take your unique intellectual property to market, one of the toughest challenges faced is the commercialisation process. Accelerating Commercialisation is a key offering under the Entrepreneurs’ Infrastructure Programme (EIP) and works through an Expression of Interest (EOI) process. The key objective is to promote business growth and competitiveness through support for business improvement and economic growth. Minister for Industry Mr Macfarlane has commented on the commericialisation process for small […]
AAT Decision – Desalination Technology Pty Ltd v FCT Click Here Full Federal Court Decision – FCT v Desalination Technology Pty Ltd Click Here In the case of ‘Commissioner of Taxation Vs Desalination Technology Pty Ltd’, the appeal by the COT was dismissed by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal. This case involved a taxpayer who paid an invoice by debiting a running account in favour of a supplier, where that account does not have to be settled under certain circumstances. The […]