The AAT has affirmed the decision of the Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development not to exercise the discretion under the Industry Research and Development Act 1986 to grant the taxpayer an extension of time to register for R&D tax concessions for an engineering “conceptual process study” in relation to its silver mining activities. In 2014, Silver Mines Limited applied to register its past R&D activities for the 2010-11 [under the R&D Tax Concession] and 2011-12 [under the R&D Tax […]
As part of the National Innovation and Science Agenda launched in December 2015, the government instigated a review of the R&D Tax Incentive programme, chaired by Mr Bill Ferris AC (Innovation Australia), DR Alan Finkel AO (Chief Scientist) and Mr John Fraser (Secretary to the Treasury). The review sought to identify opportunities to improve the effectiveness and integrity of the programme and sought submissions from a variety of stakeholders (download the Swanson Reed submission here). The results of the review […]