ATO Update 2022 R&D Schedule Instructions

September 12th, 2022

R&D Claims for the YE 30 June 2022 involve a number of changes from prior years, reflective of the legislative amendments arising in the October 2020 budget.

These amendments change the mechanisms for calculation and reporting of R&D Tax offsets to the ATO, which also presents the need for corresponding changes in the company tax return.

In late May 2022, the ATO released its Research and development tax incentive schedule 2022 (NAT 73794), with corresponding changes to the labels within. Particular label changes include reporting for:

  • R&D recoupment amount;
  • Assessable balancing adjustments;
  • Total clawback;
  • Deductible balancing adjustments;
  • Nomination of company tax rate;
  • R&D entity total expenses nomination which feeds into R&D Intensity Calculations;

Instructions for the 2022 schedule were also released (QC 68025) in May and these instructions have been modified in August 2022 to provide additional detail. The guidance within these instructions appears to include more information than the earlier release in May. It is hoped that the ATO will shortly release detailed guidance on the changes applying for FY22 to complement the guidance, including worked examples for issues such as calculation of recoupment/clawback and intensity under the new legislative amendments.

The ATO do offer a helpful technical liaison service where queries on the R&D Tax Incentive arise.

Check out our website for more information regarding the R&D Tax Incentive, or get in touch with our office if you would like to speak to someone about a potential  R&D claim.

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