Companies are now able to register R&D Activities conducted during the year ended 30 June 2023 (FY23) with AusIndustry.
For the FY23 period, the application process is again administered through the new online customer portal which was introduced for the prior FY21 period.
There were substantial changes made to the R&D Activity technical description requirements in FY21, however the AusIndustry activity disclosure requirements for FY23 appear not to have materially changed.
In addition, as the major changes for calculation of R&D Tax Offsets (disclosed in the ATO R&D Schedule) arose in the prior FY22 period, the ATO’s R&D Tax Incentive Schedule for the FY23 period is likely to be substantially unchanged from the FY22 version.
Please get in touch with our office if you would like to speak to someone about a potential R&D claim, or check out our website for more information.